Food Coach Healthy Articles

This week's featured article

Judy Davie - The Food Coach
Although there are many reasons to include green leafy vegetables in your daily diet, people who don't consume enough dairy or other calcium-rich foods may want to prioritise Asian greens over certain other leafy vegetables. Many popular greens, such as spinach, beet greens, and Swiss chard, contain oxalates, natural compounds that can bind to calcium and inhibit its absorption.

For individuals at risk of osteopenia or osteoporosis, getting enough absorbable calcium is ...

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Judy Davie - The Food Coach
If you haven't yet discovered jujubes, now is the time! Also known as Chinese dates, these small, nutrient-rich fruits are an emerging crop in Australia, thriving across South Australia, New South Wales, and Victoria.
Judy Davie - The Food Coach
If you've ever only eaten pistachios in their dried form, you might be surprised to learn that fresh pistachios are a completely different experience.
Judy Davie - The Food Coach
We all know we should be eating more vegetables, but sometimes it feels like a challenge to fit five serves into our daily meals.


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thebkin on If it tastes too sweet, it's probably not that good for you :
I have the same concerns as many people do about the sw... »
Simone on What can we do to improve our health in 2022? :
I have to make a salad for a client once a week. It se... »
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ok great... »
Gai on Lighten Up in Lockdown :
hope this works... »
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Heart failure cannot be cured though there is a range o... »
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