The information on this web site was written by information professionals, and based on the views of a variety of health professionals, consumers and support groups. It does not contain medical information and we cannot answer medical questions. If you have a medical question please contact your own doctor or natural health practitioner. .
Although obtaining information from the Internet can be very helpful, it is not a replacement for consulting your own health practitioner, but additional to the information and advice they provide.
While every care is taken to produce this website, we cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions. We cannot be responsible for any loss, damage or expense that might be caused by any action, or lack of action, that a user of this website might take as a result of reading these guidelines. Responsibility for such actions, or lack of actions, remains with the reader concerned.
We have provided links to external web sites but we have no responsibility for these sites not can we guarantee the quality of their information or product. While we support and may often use these products or services we do not endorse them.